


正规博彩十大网站 is an amazing and beautiful place, made up of truly special and talented students and scholars. 校园是一个很小的, inviting and strong knit community, but we face the same challenges as other schools across the nation. 安全, security and welfare of everyone who lives, 工作和参观科克, 你的福利, 是我最关心的.

The dedicated staff of the Office of 校园安全 and Security are here to assist you and our community in every way, but campus safety is a responsibility we all share. By 工作ing with the members of 校园安全, 睁大你的眼睛, taking basic precautions and using good, 良好的判断力, we can all be assured of the safest possible experience.

I look forward to 工作ing with the entire Coker Community in making campus a safe and enjoyable place to live, 工作, 研究, 游玩和参观. Your cooperation is vital in our success and I encourage you to make yourself familiar with the 校园安全 webpages and the information contained within.


Director of 校园安全 and Security


It is the mission of 正规博彩十大网站 校园安全 to enhance the quality of life at 正规博彩十大网站 by providing a safe and secure environment that is conducive to learning, and is consistent with the educational goals of this diverse institution, while building community partnerships that foster trust, 相互尊重, 与合作. 正规博彩十大网站 校园安全 strives to accomplish its mission while adhering to its core values of Professionalism, 完整性, 沟通, 服务, 尊重, 忠诚与责任.

To fulfill this mission, 校园安全 supervision is dedicated to providing a quality 工作 environment and the development of its officers through continued training and supportive leadership. Achievement of this mission requires continuous training of campus safety officers, frequent re-evaluation of performance, patrol enforcement techniques and strategies and the collaboration, cooperation and support of the entire campus community.


正规博彩十大网站 校园安全 is responsible for the safety and security of the campus community. 校园安全; provided by Synergy Security 服务, 有限责任公司, strives to provide a safe and secure environment while providing excellent customer service. They conduct patrols throughout the entire campus to include outline Coker properties and is available to assist the Coker community on a 24-hour basis. They are available to assist residents in reporting thefts, accidents, and fires. Additional services include providing emergency medical assistance, and late night escorts. Their office is located at 307 East Carolina Avenue. Coker officers do not have arrest powers; however, they 工作 very close with the Hartsville Police Department.

Security can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 843-383-8140 (on-campus extension: 8140).
For medical emergencies, please call 911.

Officers are trained in first-aid, CPR, and the use of the defibrillator.



Be part of our community, as we 工作 together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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